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Korey Tristan Yu Speaker Profile

Korey Tristan Yu | Good Start Conference Speaker
Korey Tristan Yu | Good Start Conference Speaker

Centre Leader

E-Bridge Pre-School

Korey is the Centre Leader of E-Bridge Pre-School Fernvale Link and oversees the DS-LS department in her organization. With nearly two decades of experience in early childhood education and a Master's degree in the field, she is a dedicated advocate for inclusion. In 2023, Korey integrated Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles into the curriculum to cater to her diverse learners. She trains her educators to design and plan learning experiences that embrace individual diversity and capabilities. Additionally, Korey conducts training sessions for educators on assessment and observation methods for diverse learners, including functional behavioral analysis and developing positive behavior support plans.

Korey 作为 E-Bridge Pre-School(伊桥幼儿学校)Fernvale Link 的校长,以及组织内特需教育(DS-LS)部门的负责人,她在学前教育领域有近二十年的丰富经验,且持有该领域的硕士学位,是融合教育的坚定倡导者。2023年,Korey 将全方位学习设计(UDL)原则融入课程,以满足多样化学习者的需求。她指导与跟进教育者们设计和规划学习体验,以包容个体的多样性和能力差异。此外,Korey 还定期组织课程培训,教授针对多样化学习者的评量与观察方法,包括功能性行为分析和制定积极行为支持计划等议题。

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