*this break out presentation/workshop will be conducted in Mandarin
Speaker(s): Doris Yee (Lead Early Interventionist, Rainbow Centre)
Topic: B.C1 请你了解我,走进我的世界
(translation: Getting to know more about children with additional needs)
Synopsis: 每一位孩子都是独一无二的个体,和他们的相识都是一段特殊的缘分。身为教师的你准备好踏入他们的世界了吗?
让我们一起发掘他们的喜好,学习用不同的方式和他们相处吧! 透过这个工作坊,将会和你分享以下的学习目标
(2) 调整教学方式帮助特殊儿童融入课堂
(3) 帮助特殊儿童和班上同学的相处
(translation: Every child is a unique individual, and getting to meet them creates a unique opportunity for you. As a preschool educator, have you prepared yourself to step into each of their worlds?
Let's discover their each child's interests and preferences, and learn to care for, educate and nurture them. Through this workshop, participants can expect to
(1) Understand the learning characteristics of children with special needs
(2) Adjust teaching methods to help special children integrate into the classroom
(3) Help children with special needs get along with their classmates)