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Break Out A.C1 融合班级中幼儿学习需求的应对策略

Updated: May 7, 2024


*this break out presentation/workshop will be conducted in Mandarin

Topic: A.C1 融合班级中幼儿学习需求的应对策略

(translation: Preventive and Coping Strategies for Children with Learning Needs in an Inclusive Preschool Classroom)

Synopsis: 幼儿融合班级中,老师们既要照顾到全体孩子,也要兼顾学习需求(Learning Needs) 的特殊儿童。本专题从老师教学操作的角度,介绍在融合班级中如何观察、分析孩子的特殊性,怎么对孩子进行准确判断,并在教学过程中采取哪些有效应对策略。

(translation: To achieve an inclusive classroom environment, teachers need to understand and meet the needs of children who have different learning needs. This workshop seeks to help preschool teachers understand the behavioural manifestations of children with learning needs, observe them and analyse the functional goals of a child's behaviour. Further, basic principles of preventive strategies for teacher, principles of Universal Design for Learning, basic coping strategies such as Positive Behavioural Support will be covered.)


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