the WHAT?
Kindness is a virtue that is gaining popularity in our culture. It can be expressed in Singapore often falls into two categories: random or reserved only for the worthy.
In the first instance, we see it practiced in every day situations – paying for the coffee for the person behind us, or contributing to the communal free pantry in the neighbourhood or donating items to a food bank. In each of these scenarios, we witness genuine generosity practiced. In fact, these random acts of kindness can seem like a fun and exciting way to get children excited about extending acts of kindness.
In the second instance, kindness extended seems more measured and contemplative. It requires thought and some form of assessment. We see this happening when we evaluate volunteering or donation opportunities that charities in Singapore publicise. In these cases, one would pore over the information, stories of beneficiaries or even the financial statements of each charity before landing on a cause one deems worthy to donate time and resources to.
This also happens when we look at people we encounter on the streets – do you stop for someone at the zebra crossing? Only for the older and infirmed. Do you hold the elevator for a neighbour? Maybe if they are walking fast enough. Do you help your co-worker take out the trash? Only if we are more physically able than them, we make decisions based on whether we think the beneficiary is “worthy” of our help.
the PAWS? the PAUSE?
“Paws” is a homophone for “pause”. Incidentally, it also serves as a cute representation of the paw of a lion, a visual symbolic reminder of Singa the Kindness Lion, our national emblem on courtesy, graciousness and kindness.
Pausing for kindness thus holds us to a higher standard for kindness: we want the next generation of children to practice showing acts of kindness specifically, intentionally and thoughtfully.
On top of showing random acts of kindness or only when the beneficiaries might be proven worthy of our help and kindness, we hope that the children will learn to PAUSE to S.I.T.

This campaign aims to encourage children to take a moment to reflect on kindness and act with intention and thoughtfulness. In our fast-paced world, its crucial for children to go beyond merely completing tasks. We want them to see, think, and wonder how they can show genuine care for others.
We invite 100 preschools to join us in this endear to PAWS for Kindness!
In this realm of kindness, children will be provided with opportunities to think of and act on:
1. SPECIFIC ways to show kindness
What are some specific ways preschoolers demonstrate kindness to friends who have learning needs in the event of a meltdown
2. INTENTIONAL ways to show kindness
How can preschoolers be intentional about the kindness they show to a child who is struggling to eat his lunch in school?
3. THOUGHTFUL ways to show kindness
How can children express their feelings honestly but with the help of thoughtful, gentle and kinder words so that their voices are heard without being hurtful?
Being kind does not mean we have to give till it hurts. However, we can grow to a be kinder society when grow beyond demonstrating random acts of kindness or kindness demonstrated only to those whom we have deemed to be worthy of them.
Through Paws for Kindness, we hope that preschoolers will grow in their willingness and ability to demonstrate genuine kindness – to be kind even when it does not pay to do so, to be kind even when it is inconvenient and to be kind especially when we have spent time thinking about the true needs of the beneficiaries.

This campaign aims to encourage children to take a moment to reflect on kindness and act with intention and thoughtfulness. In our fast-paced world, its crucial for children to go beyond merely completing tasks. We want them to see, think, and wonder how they can show genuine care for others.
We invite 100 preschools to join us in this endear to PAWS for Kindness!
Fundamentally, the Paws for Kindness Campaign will be driven by the preschool educators.
Adults would be equipped with tools, activities and questions from the Educator’s Resource Pack to model for the children these specific, intentional and thoughtful acts of kindness. They will also guide the children by discussing with them in greater detail about kindness.
Children will also receive a Paws for Kindness Task Booklet. With each S.I.T. act of kindness, they will receive a stamp. Upon completion of all S.I.T. acts of kindness in the booklet, the children can receive a Paws for Kindness completion badge.
Educator’s Resource Pack
A Pair of Paws
A Deck of 10 PFK Situation Cards
Video Resource (from Kindsville video series)
Accompanying Activity Guide
Discussion Questions
Suggested Acts of Kindness
Paws Stamp
Paws for Kindness Task Booklet (for PN to K2 Children)
Paws for Kindness Completion Keychains